Thursday, March 5, 2015

Jack Sparrow says I'm not crazy.

I got released around 4:30 pm today. In the middle of a snowstorm.

Instead of waiting for Des to come to take me back home, I just left by myself seeing no reason for a second person to come out in the mess.

Instead of going straight home, I went to the bank first to withdraw the rest of the rent money for March.

And instead of taking a shower and going straight to bed, I stayed up way too late catching up on DVR stuff and playing trivia crack with Holly.  But you know what?

You can't argue with Captain Jack. ;)

Happy birthday to my sweet love bug, Blake. Five. Wow.

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  1. You are absolutely bat crappingly insane Squirrel. It's why I love you!

  2. You are absolutely bat crappingly insane Squirrel. It's why I love you!
